Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 1 of my Revolution

I woke up this morning with a sense of excitement. I'm totally in a good place right now as far as motivation. Of course, it is only Day 1. LOL

I started off with my Sun Salutation. I recommend everyone try this at least once. Even for those who don't like exercise and are not into yoga, it's still a good morning stretch.
I also use this time to say what I am thankful for and think only positive thoughts. This is very important because I think that your morning affirmations and attitude is what sets the tone for the whole day. As I journal my experience, I am going to break up my day into mind, body and soul in what I did each day that worked on or bettered each part of me. I think the Sun Salutation in the morning encompasses a little bit of each and starts my morning off perfectly.

I've worked a little on cleaning and organizing my my personal space as well as trying to de-clutter my mind. That is a job in itself though and is going to take mass amounts of time and effort. (My mind, not my room) 

I've been thinking about all the little "mini goals" I would like to accomplish this year. I'll add them throughout my blogs as I think of them or as it pertains to whatever is going on in my life at that time. I'd like to do at least three 5K walks this year. I say walks because I'm not a runner. Even when I was younger and in better shape, I didn't like to run. I may explore this option again as I become more fit and healthy, just to see if it is something I may enjoy. 

I would like to make some new friends and reconnect with my current friends. I keep my circle small but I would like to meet new people and start living a more active life. I also really want to build upon my current friendships and spend more time with my best friend, Cindy. She is my sister soul mate and we don't spend near enough time just talking and hanging out. I was talking to her today and she was telling me about a tradition she is starting with her family this year. On New Year's Day every year they are going to send off wish lanterns into the sky. I think this is an awesome idea and I can't wait to do this next year with my own family. 

In reference to the "body" part of my reVolution, I have started the 30 day Ab & Squat challenge. Starting it on the 1st helps me keep track of the days. On the 3rd, I will be adding different exercise regimens and eating habits to this. I will explain why that date in my blog for that day. Day 1 of the challenge consists of 10 sit ups, 10 crunches and 25 squats (Done!)  My daughter, Shayanne,  has "accepted" this challenge as well so I guess we can motivate each other to complete it.

As I close for the day, I just want to share a few of my favorite Health and Wellness sites. They have great articles, tips, recipes, support and tools. 

The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans (health and wellness)
(Just what it says....mind, body and living green)
(Health, exercise, weight loss)
(Low carb and paleo recipes)
(mostly meditation and self improvement)
(exactly what it says) (not .com)
(Variety of articles on different subjects)

Quote of the Day - Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

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