Sunday, January 12, 2014

Let the Happy Dance commence........


So, 2 days ago (Friday) we had our first official weigh in as a team. I think we all did wonderful for our first week. We all lost between 4 to 9 pounds. I'm pleased to say that I'm one of the two that lost 9 pounds. I almost can't even believe how easy it was. I just started following Atkins and the pounds seem to just fall off. The first 2 days were kinda rough but I expected them to be with my body having to adjust to the changes. But now I feel good. I have more energy but I also feel calmer.....if that makes sense. And to be honest, I've only done minimal exercise. I wanted to let my body settle into it's new routine. But now I'm super pumped to really amp up my fitness.

As of right now, our team is 3rd place in the overall Healthy Wage Challenge. We were in 2nd but got bumped down one. That's ok, we're going to weigh in and record it once a week. I'm excited to see what next week's results are.

I'm also excited to get more immersed into the mind and soul parts of my transformation. I've been so focused on the "body" part that I've been slacking in the other areas. I haven't even meditated once. =(  I'm in the process of compiling a list on "Ways to Be A Better Person". From my own perspective of course. I am in no way an expert on the subject.  LOL
So that will be coming in a separate blog.

I really need to meditate, go spend some time in nature or something. My focus and "passion" are lacking. Even reading over this and my recent posts, I find them quite boring and matter of fact. I'm gonna need to step that up. I guess I'm not as good a multi-tasker as I thought. It's hard to lose weight, get healthy, be a mom, work full time AND be funny and interesting at the same time. Super focused Joy needs to learn to co-exist with Super awesome Joy ;-) Teehee. I'll try and work on that.

New website/Facebook page I found that I like and may be of interest to others.....

The Nourished Life on Facebook

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