Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 3

Let the adventure begin.......

Today myself and 4 other co-workers signed up for a weight loss challenge called Healthy Wage. The 1st place winning team with the highest weight loss percentage wins $10,000. 2nd place = $5000 and 3rd place = $3000

There are also little bi-weekly mini challenges to win things as well. Our team name is going to be "Sisterhood of the Shrinking Pants". Our original name was actually "Unrepentant Thinners" but when we signed up, someone already had that name. Boooo! But whatever, I love our new name.

We are all so excited and I think that this was just the motivation I needed. The money is a great bonus but I'm most excited about having the drive to get healthy. I will be doing a low carb, high protein diet. Basically following the Atkins guidelines. Not my ideal way of eating but from all the reviews I've heard and research I've done, this seems like the best course of action to promote initial weight loss. So I'll give it a try and see what happens.

I have also decided that I'm not going to blog every day. That might get a little monotonous so I'm only going to make a post if I actually have something relevant to say.......

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