Friday, December 27, 2013

The Beginning.

With 2014 fast approaching, I have been deep in thought about the age old traditions of change and resolutions. Yes, I know....cliche. Everyone is going to be starting this year off with overzealous plans to change, quit or better something in their life. Well, good for them. I think everyone can improve upon themselves day to day. Whether or not someone else follows through on their "resolutions" is not my business. We all have to take responsibility and ownership of both our accomplishments and our failures.

I am starting fresh with the New Year, basically because as much as I hate structure and things like the concept of time(lol), I realize that I do need some sort of organization to get me started. I need lists and schedules and outlines because if left to my own devices, my memory and motivation may flounder.

Also, I'm not calling it a resolution.....I'm calling it a REVOLUTION.....a total transformation of mind, body and soul. A somewhat lofty goal, I know and obviously it's going to be an ongoing process with many different aspects of change. It will be a lifetime goal but this first year should be an enlightening challenge that should become a base for what I want my life to be.

Keeping a blog of my journey is just one way for me to keep track of my progress and express my feelings (good or bad) along the way.........

Wish me luck.

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